Saturday 26 March 2011

Welcome to The Underground Hedge Fund

Good evening world,
What you are looking at now is the inaugural post of my investment advice blog. My name is GG and I have many years of experience trading traditional stocks, options, futures, derivatives such as CFDs and ETFs, trading on the commodity spot market as well as FOREX markets. You might think it strange that one would have experience in all of these fields but hopefully it will become evident from my posts that these different securities and markets often complement each other and/or have similar outcomes.

My first posts are going to be recommendations of highly speculative small caps mainly within Australia (AX). I will not provide justification of my recommendations, DYOR... I will simply state my sentiment and that will hopefully entice the reader into looking into the stated coy/position.

I will most likely provide charts of progress on positions as well as other information relevant to the company's/market's progress (should the need arise). I will endeavor to track the opening and closing of positions (if I do not forget).

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